Hybrid RTLS

Smart | Safe | Connected

At its core, a Hybrid Real Time Location System (RTLS) uses two or more technologies to determine the location of assets and personnel in real-time. By combining technologies like Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), hybrid RTLS solutions can deliver more accurate and comprehensive location data with reduced infrastructure. This allows for site-wide location tracking in hazardous areas, increasing worker safety and improving operational efficiency. 

For companies operating in hazardous areas, a RTLS adds a critical layer of safety, security and productivity, enabling real-time tracking of personnel and assets. By using hybrid RTLS technology, businesses can improve workflow efficiency with reduced total cost of ownership. If you’re looking for an RTLS solution for your business, Extronics offers a range of Hybrid RTLS solutions that use multiple location technologies to provide the most accurate and comprehensive location data available. 

Extronics Hybrid Real Time Location System centres around the iTAG X-Range of worker safety tags. The tag range includes a variety of technology options to best match your use case and site infrastructure requirements. 

Watch our Hybrid RTLS video to learn more about the solution.

Location Technology Sources

A location source is the technology data used by the Extronics Location Engine to determine the tag location. 

Wi-Fi ……………………………………

Wi-Fi networks have been the go-to standard for industrial RTLS applications for many years and can provide accurate location of personnel and assets. 

Global Position System (GPS)

In outdoor environments, GPS is an ideal location technology. Wireless in these areas is only used to provide data backhaul to the loction engine.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

BLE provides a low cost alternative for asset and personnel tracking. BLE anchors are battery powered and low cost to install. Anchors trilaterate the tag location to achieve high levels of accuracy.

Connectivity Technologies

The connectivity technology is the wireless infrastructure you use to communicate the data back over the network to the Extronics Location Engine. 


Not only a mainstay for location tracking purposes, Wi-Fi is a proven technology for IoT device connectivity applications across most industries.

LoRaWAN (Long Range)

LoRaWAN is a proprietary low-power wide-area network modulation technique. It has seen wide use in IIoT applications for long-range communications links.


Cellular networks, such as private LTE, are gaining ground in the process indusries and require less infrastructure than Wi-Fi to provide the same level of connectivity.

The iTAG X-Range of Hybrid Worker Safety Tags

iTAG X10

The iTAG X10 tag is certified to ATEX, IECEx and MET standards, offering customers the ability to reliably track personnel as they enter, move about and exit any area. Offering access control and an emergency call button, the iTAG X10 is fully equipped to support essential worker safety and security applications. The iTAG X10 also detects BLE location anchors, such as the iTAG XB40, and can be used as part of a hybrid BLE/Wi-Fi-based tracking system.

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iTAG X20 

The iTAG X20 is an advanced hybrid RTLS tag ideally suited for large processing units where enhanced worker safety, productivity management, security and emergency response are critical. The iTAG X20 provides an ideal tracking solution for day-today location tracking or events such as turnarounds using standard Wi-Fi networks or with the iTAG XB40 BLE anchors to provide a low-cost RTLS solution for areas without dense Wi-Fi.

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iTAG X30

The iTAG X30 comes with all the features the iTAG X-Range tags offer. The inclusion of GPS means it is ideally suited for sites with outdoor location tracking requirements. Like the other tags in the X-Range, the inclusion of BLE means the iTAG X30 can be used alongside the iTAG XB40 BLE anchors in areas where Wi-Fi coverage in minimal. In addition, the tag features advance worker safety features, such as man down and fall detect.

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iTAG X40

The iTAG X40 offers all the same features as the iTAG X30, but LoRaWAN connectivity for customers looking to transmit location data over their LoRaWAN network. Like it’s Wi-Fi counterpart, the iTAG X40 makes use of GPS, BLE and Wi-Fi for tracking the location and includes worker safety features, such as fall detect and emergency call buttons.


The iTAG XM app brings hybrid RTLS to EX Android smartphones. Offering BLE, GPS, Wi-Fi location like other tags in the X-Range, but with the option of cellular connectivity. It also offers a solution for customer looking to add worker safety to existing smart phones.

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iTAG X-Range Comparison Table

Extronics Hybrid RTLS Uses Four Building Blocks

Location Sources 

Wi-Fi access points or Bluetooth anchors are used to trilaterate the tags location. Our iWAP range of hazardous areas wireless enclosures can be used with any Wi-Fi access point or use our battery-powered iTAG XB40 BLE anchors with minimal Wi-Fi coverage required for connectivity. This means the solution is substantially lower cost in areas where it is too difficult or too costly to install additional Wi-Fi to achieve the same location accuracy. In outdoor areas GPS is the preferred location source used by the Extronics Location Engine. 

Active RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices) tags 

The iTAG X-Range of worker safety tags offer a flexible solution for hazardous area location tracking. Available in a variety of options with varying functionality to suit your needs, the iTAG X-Range provides a rugged and robust worker safety RFID tag for hazardous areas and harsh industrial environments.

Your chosen connectivity technology

Extronics also has over twenty-five years of experience in hazardous area wireless. Our iWAP range of wireless enclosures are specifically designed for deploying your preferred wireless hardware in hazardous areas.

Learn more about our wireless solutions

Extronics Location Engine

Extronics Location Engine (ELE) allows you to configure your location technology around your site and plugs straight into the MobileView visibility software or any third-party platform. 

Learn more about the ELE


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