Wirepas Location Tracking

Location tracking for hazardous areas

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Smart | Safe | Connected

Extronics offers a cost-effective Wirepas location tracking solution for hazardous areas. Track assets or personnel across multiple areas of your site.

The iTAG XB Range of Wirepas tags and anchors offers a flexible set of options certified for use in hazardous areas. Our configurable Extronics Location Engine (ELE), provides the ‘dot on a map’ data that can be easily integrated into your front end platform of choice.

Effectively manage your assets and personnel with Wirepas.

iWAP XN3 X2000

iWAP XN3 X2000

The Extronics iWAP XN3-X2000 is powered by Cassia Networks and supports Wirepas protocols, meaning it is the perfect gateway to support your data communication back to the Extronics Location Engine.

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The iTAG XB40 is a battery powered anchor. The installed anchors form their own self-healing, scalable Wirepas mesh network. The mesh network receives data from the tags within it. The anchors self-negotiate the best way to offload the tag data to the gateway.

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Extronics Wirepas tags & anchors

Personnel & Asset Tags

Extronics iTAG XB range of intrinsically safe Wirepas  tags come in a range of form factors to support a variety of asset and personnel location tracking uses cases. Part of our iTAG XB Range on BLE tags. 

iTAG XB10 | iTAG XB20

Location Engine

The Extronics Location Extronics is specifically designed to support multiple location technologies, including Wirepas and BLE. Configure your site technology via the desktop application and integrate your location data directly into your front-end platform of choice using the available API.

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How Wirepas Mesh Works for Location 

Extronics iTAG XB range of location tags support Wirepas protocol. The Wirepas solution uses RSS (Received signal strength) to approximate the location of a tag. It is like Wi-Fi in this way, however the location anchors used in a Wirepas system, like our iTAG XB40, are battery powered, require no external cabling, and form their own self-healing, scalable mesh network.

Network management is handled by each location anchor in a Wirepas mesh network. The anchors self-negotiate the best way to offload the RSS data to the positioning server via a Wirepas gateway. This ensures there are no single points of failure if one anchor should fail.

Wirepas mesh with iTAG XB tags.



Getting Started with Extronics Wirepas Location Tracking

Extronics Wirepas tags & anchors

Pick your tag options

Whether you are tracking assets, personnel, or both, our Wirepas enabled iTAG XB Range of intrinsically safe tags has a solution. Available in small battery powered wearable options, including a lanyard with integrated access control card slot, or larger asset tags with multiple mounting options across the range.

Click for iTAG XB10   Click for iTAG XB20

iTAGXB40 BLE anchor

Wirepas Location Anchor

The iTAG XB40 is a robust battery powered Wirepas enabled BLE anchor. The small form factor and multiple mounting options makes it easy to install anywhere on your site. 

Click for iTAG XB40

iWAP XN3 X2000

Wirepas Gateway

The iWAP XN3 X2000 is a Zone 2/ Div 2 BLE gateway that supports Wirepas protocols. The gateway is used to communicate the RSS data from the Wirepas mesh to the Extronics Location Engine. If you do not want to use the X2000 or have a Zone 1/ Div 1 requirement, no problem. Our iWAP range of wireless enclosures are vendor agnostic, meaning you can pick your gateway of choice.

Click for Wirepas gateway


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