Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons have become a valuable technology for adding location tracking capabilities to your hazardous areas. With the right planning and configuration, BLE beacons can provide accurate indoor and outdoor location. This allows organisations to cost-effectively add location tracking of personnel and assets whilst reducing the total cost of ownership. This article provides practical guidance on deploying BLE beacons to achieve optimal tracking performance. It covers indoor and outdoor setup considerations, best practices for beacon placement, and configuration tips for maximizing location accuracy. What is the difference between a beacon and anchor? For trilateration purposes it is recommended to use beacons. A beacon is simply a term used to describe a fixed beacon that is contributing to a tag’s position. An anchor is typically the term used when discussing Wirepas Mesh networks. […]
Man down technology, also known as fall detection, is designed to automatically detect when a person falls and send an alert for help. This technology is integrated into devices like the iTAG X-Range to protect lone workers and workers in hazardous environments. When a fall or sudden change in orientation is detected, the device will initiate an alarm sequence, vibrating, flashing and beeping to alert the user. If the alarm is not cancelled by the user within 30 seconds, the device transmits an emergency alert to monitoring software or personnel. How Man Down Detection Works Man down detection relies on accelerometers to monitor acceleration on three axes and detect the forces involved in a fall. When a fall occurs, the accelerometer detects a sudden downward acceleration followed by an abrupt stop when the person hits […]
A worker location tracking system is an integrated solution for monitoring the location and safety of employees while at work. The use case can vary from location to location, but often the business goal is to achieve continuous improvement as part of a wider digitalisation strategy. There are many worker tracking products on the market, most of which can be configured to address multiple use cases. Selecting the right system depends on the needs of your application and will influence the extent of the infrastructure required. This article aims to address the basic working principles of worker tracking systems and to explore typical use cases in the process industry. Components of Worker Tracking Systems Worker tracking systems are composed of three core components: location tags, or badges; a tag reader (a device or infrastructure to […]
COVID-19 has affected all walks of life, causing business closures and global economic uncertainty. Industries that are unable to adapt to the so-called new normal cannot maintain pre-coronavirus work patterns which impacts throughput with often severe ramifications to the bottom line. Few market segments have been more affected than the process industries, where strict social distancing requirements are hard to sustain. Real-time location systems (RTLS) for personnel and asset monitoring have emerged as a potential solution to the challenges of COVID-19 compliance. Many RTLS companies quickly recognised the potential of existing personnel tracking platforms for contact tracing and social distancing. These unique technologies offer a data-driven solution for those industries hardest hit by the pandemic to make safe inroads towards returning profitability. Learn more about Extronics RTLS RTLS Technologies for Social Distancing There are various […]
Are your devices certified for use in hazardous areas? Practically every wireless device manufacturer serving harsh industrial environments has been asked that question before. It is being posed more frequently than ever thanks to the IoT revolution. Process industries are increasingly adopting strategies for improved digitization across their sites and facilities. This naturally leads to questions about safety certification. If you are one of the few manufacturers who hasn’t been asked about safety-certified wireless devices already, don’t worry, it is only a matter of time. A common misconception among buyers is that standard wireless devices can be easily certified retrospectively. This is rarely the case. Getting an existing device approved to standards required for hazardous areas is no easy process. It isn’t low cost or quick to do either. Here we will run through some […]
The safety of workers, whilst always important, is moving higher up the list of priorities for investment. Workers in process industry environments face a variety of risks over and above their counterparts in other industries. ‘Hazards of the job’ are that much more serious, with a higher potential risk. Falling objects, exposure to dangerous substances, fire, and explosion of flammable gas and dust are potential threats and whilst large-scale disasters are thankfully rare, they still occur. It is unlikely that any one location technology ticks all of your boxes, and there is no silver bullet. Hybrid location technology is the only practical solution to the complexities of the use cases in the process industries. It involves using two or more location technologies as part of the same solution: To deliver wider coverage with reduced infrastructure […]